A New Way to Think About Building Your Bottom-Line.

fpg’s virtual training platform presents unique and effective service-driven sales strategies and techniques in a very practical and skill-focused format.

Maximizing Your Impact:

Service-based sales is the key to increased profitability.

This seminar is designed to introduce Frontline personnel to FPG’s Guiding Principles and Counter Service & Sales Process. This impactful, interactive course provides foundation for service-driven profit maximization. Participants will gain a working knowledge of service concepts and key consumer focused dialogue that will open doors of opportunities for their customers, themselves and the company.


The path to an inspired frontline begins with fpg.

Frontline Performance Group opened its doors in 1993 as Khoury Consulting and the vision was simple; help our clients dramatically increase profitability with their current resources. Our purpose. We believe in the potential of people. We specialize in recognizing this potential.


Meet the Team

Kenneth Stellon

Managing Partner

Managing Partner of Frontline Performance Group, Ken joined the company in 1999. He is currently responsible for client relationships and FPG client delivery.


Lynda Fleming

Director of eLearning

With Frontline Performance Group since 1998, Lynda has over 30-years international experience in management, training, learning program and leadership development in contact center, automotive, and multiple B2C sales/service industries.


Christine Washington

Senior Performance Leader

Christine joined Frontline Performance Group in 2013. She contributes over 10 years of frontline sales and management experience in the travel and financial services industry.




Per User | FREE Activation


This impactful, interactive five course program provides the foundation for service-driven profit maximization.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you believe if a company makes just a 7% improvement in frontline sales it can double its profits?

A great number of companies have less than a 5% profit margin. Most top line revenue that is generated by the frontline is “incremental revenue”. This is the “icing on the cake” revenue. Rent, lights, equipment, management salaries and other fixed expenses are already paid for, so the cost of this revenue is minimal. Therefore, the majority of this 7% increase in top-line revenue, due to these economies of scale, passes through to the bottom-line. It can easily have a 5% profit housed in it. Add this to the existing 5% and you have now doubled your profit.

How should a company nourish its most valuable asset?

It starts at the very top. In a world of fierce competition and commoditization the last and best hope in many cases for a competitive edge is on the asset you have most influence over: the performance of your own staff. So how do you significantly improve that performance? The answers are all embedded in the Frontline sales performance system.

How is what you do as a consultant different than what other trainers offer?

We sell results; we do not sell training. We do not consider ourselves just trainers. By definition, most trainers earn their keep by training. We earn our keep by achieving bottom-line results. Although effective training is critical, by itself it has very little impact on evolving performance long-term.

What is a ‘sales culture’? Isn’t that just a fancy label for training?

Unlike training alone and its impact that wanes over time, a sales/performance culture produces immediate and long lasting results without diverting critical resources from other key business areas. Training is involved, but united with the development of Compensation Strategy, Accountability/Performance Management, Performance Standards, Recognition Systems, Leadership Development, Input and Employee Support Systems, Teambuilding, Proactive Employee Recruitment and Retention, Communication and Measurement Systems.

We already have a strong sales initiative and infrastructure. How do you know you can improve my results?

Simply put, our sixteen-year track record with every type of client has proven it! Many of our clients possess some level of sales system and/or infrastructure, some highly developed well in advance of partnering with Frontline Performance Group. The primary difference is that sales managed internally competes for attention with other critical initiatives, such as workforce management, technical support, payroll, forecasting, and organizational communication among a host of others. Conversely, Frontline Performance Group’s focus is specific, targeted and relentless on achieving “quantifiable service-based sales improvement” without diverting needed resources from other core areas. If we cannot dramatically improve your revenue, we will tell you.

How much does a Frontline Performance Group partnership cost?

Although amounts vary dramatically from client to client primarily due to their size, number of locations, personnel and logistics, an organization can expect to pay Frontline Performance Group a small percentage of the quantifiable gross, found revenue generated. Most clients earn approximately $10 to $25 for every $1 Frontline Performance Group nets from a partnership. Please contact us today for a complimentary opportunity analysis.